Wednesday, May 5, 2010

These things are EVERYWHERE!!

I'm not sure if this is due to living in the country, the field across the street, or a recently vacant house now full of life...but we have a problem. A Spider Problem. This is serious business. I'm not talking one little guy here and there...I'm talking killing at least 5 A DAY!

I am overly, irrationally afraid of all 8-legged stalkers and HATE that creepy crawly feeling I get when I've seen one. Even after I have smashed him into oblivion and I have his guts in the papertowel to prove it, I still feel icky all over and will swat at myself for hours, feeling phantom spiders crawling on me. (to add to this...Jason just came in to tell me when need to also watch ourselves and Zeke for he just plucked one off his knee after his run. AHH!!)

I guess this post is rather pointless too...seeing as there isn't anything anyone can do about this dilemma...but I had to get it off my chest! I am now scanning every corner and the ceiling of every room upon entering it to see if a new "friend" has taken up residency. Hopefully after a little while, we will kill enough of them that they will spread the word and move on...

Oh, did I mention that our vacuum cleaner broke so I can't even just suck them up anymore...we actually have to get physical. Gross.


jodie said...

see if the church will get it sprayed for you. If it sat vacant for awhile, they may do it. Good luck! Our enemy in the country was lady bugs. Grace actually even ate one, and her breath stunk. Nasty things those bugs

thisamericantourist said...

That's too bad about the vacuum cleaner - my bedroom window is ill-fitting, letting all sorts of creepy-crawlies in, and before I go to bed I take the hose around my room, sucking up any unwanted guests.

If you're just after a spider kill, can I suggest a fly swatter? You'll still have to go deep for the cleanup, but at least it'll put some distance between you while it's alive.

While I am yet free said...

My sympathies to your spider problem. I do not send my sympathies to the spiders' families, however. DEATH TO THEM ALL!

"Wipe them out, all of them."

When we moved into our first house, we were shocked and disgusted with the population of spiders we had to deal with, even though the house was built new only one month earlier. Summer's upon us, and so are the spiders again. I hates me some spiders, too.

Being the man of the house, it is my responsibility to deal death to them and dispose of their ignoble remains. A fly swatter is not a bad idea, especially if you're going for speed and distance. Those critters can move fast. I've found that even slapping one with a towel or newspaper/magazine/credit card bill may be sufficient to stun it long enough to be picked up in a paper towel or toilet paper. I don't think hair spray works...unless, of course, you put a lighted match set in the prongs of a fork in front of the nozzle. But that may be like giving your child a haircut with a Husqvarna.

Good luck to you.

Pam said...

We used to have a severe problem with brown recluses... they are nasty! If the church won't have your house sprayed you can buy those insect foggers from walmart.. you have to close your house up for a couple of hours.. but they work really well, and the smell goes away quickly. Good Luck with it.. I hate bugs too!