Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yard Sale Mania!

Today was the Hunter's Crossing Subdivision Sale and it was exhausting! A group of us went and had a blast. I found some really great baby bargains that I can't wait to use! Jason, of course, doesn't really care one way or the other, but at least he didn't ask me how much I spent. (O:

I found this awesome drum set for Jaxon, but the man selling it had told another person he would wait for him to come back and say if he wanted it or not. I told the guy, "I'm here right now with my $50, where is he??" He just said he was sorry and took my number in case the guy didn't want it. But, alas, that man took Jaxon's drum set.

When I got back home (at 2 o'clock!! Geez!) I realized I never put Zeke in his kennel...he was just left out in the basement that whole time. Luckily he didn't get into anything, but I did feel bad because the light wasn't even on down there! I'm such a bad pet owner. I think he forgave me though. (O:

I keep thinking about how he will handle having a new baby around the house and I hope we don't have any problems. Jaime has given some good advice on things to do and tips to try, so that should help. There's just so much I don't know about having a baby and I feel like I can't get prepared enough! But, I think at some point I'll just have to get over that and realize some things will just work out.

Now, my stomach hurts from eating too much Imo's pizza and I already want to go to's 7:18! I'm such a loser. But, I might as well, I won't be sleeping in tomorrow. Amy finally passed one of her tests for getting her Teaching Degree so we are all going out to celebrate tomorrow for lunch! I'm so proud of her, I know she has been working so hard at this.

Alright, this preggo is going to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no hold on a minute!!!!! you've ahd this blog all along and haven't been using it?????
i guess you never really know a person.
so, i'm very excited that you've decided to give this another try. now i can peep into your personal life whenever i want... sort of voyueristic without the dirtyness! :)