Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Unlikely Pair

Last night, after VBS, I met Jason over at his parents' house. Aunt Mimi and Uncle Justin, Grammy, Poppy and Jason were all having dinner with some other family friends. Daddy tried holding Emilia for a while, but she was cranky and fighting sleep. So, Grammy said 'I think she wants me to hold her'. She gave it her best shot, to no avail. Grammy handed her off to me and she calmed down right away. (There's still something so sweet about her just wanting her Mommy, I love it!)

A little later, Uncle Justin wanted to hold her to say goodbye because they are leaving for California today. Everyone said 'She's going to cry...' Surprisingly, she didn't cry at all. In fact, she started kicking off his chest and cooing at him. He played with her for probably 20 minutes like that! It was so fun to watch. She was having a great time and so was he.

The reason this is rather 'unlikely' is because Justin doesn't typically hold her for any amount of time and usually just wants to say hi and hand her off to Aunt Mimi. He hasn't ever really played with her. But, not last night! They played and played. He tried to give Aunt Mimi a turn, but Emilia just kept staring at Justin and even started whining until he took her back.

It was really fun to see him interacting with her. He was making silly faces and talking in a funny voice- and she was eating it up! Probably the best part was when Poppy wanted to get some goodbye hugs right before we were leaving and Emilia started to cry again. Here comes Uncle, 'do you need me to take her back?" with a big goofy grin on his face. He was so proud that he was the 'chosen one' of the evening. (O:

1 comment:

Jaime G. said...

how sweet. just is great iwth babies / toddlers (and i'm sure kids). he's going to be a fun daddy!