Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sing, sing a song, sing OUT LOUD...

OK, maybe I shouldn't be taking that so literally, but I can't help it today! My coworker/office-mate is on vacation (in Disneyworld, I'm hoping for Mickey ears when she returns), so I'm all alone in here. If you had any idea how much we talk All. Day. Long., you'd know exactly how lonely it is when she's gone. I'm actually being quite productive, but I've also developed a new habit...actually, it's an old habit that has resurfaced after years of suppression!

At first, I was just talking to myself, and only a little bit. Just when I did something stupid or just thinking out loud. Now, not only am i having full-on conversations with myself (yes, I'm even answering myself...) but I've picked up SINGING! I would never sing in front of anyone, but when I'm all alone, I have been singing up a storm.

The current songs I'm serenading myself with are "Big Papa" (I don't know if that's really what it's called, but it's from the movie Hardball-I think- and it's pretty stupid) and the theme music from Jeapordy (I had to ask a poor, passerby of my office what show it was from because I couldn't remember).

So, I'm officially going crazy and pretty soon I will be referred to as 'that weird girl in the back'...if I'm not already!

Sorry if you're bored Jaime, but leave me alone! Actually, please don't- I'm SO ALONE!!! (O:

1 comment:

Jaime G. said...

bwahahaha! you really couldn't figure out that you were humming the theme to jeopardy? wowsers! only 2 more days of lonely for you after today! then it's 3 day weekend!!!!!! and you'll be busy and wishing for quite time!