Friday, July 24, 2009

Praying for Beki

Our church did a really awesome thing. We have a group of high school students that went to a summer CIY (Christ In Youth) conference this week and I got to pray for one of the girls! They had a sign up list in the back of the church and were asking people to sign up to pray for each person daily while they were gone. I actually received an email about this the week before the sign-up list was out asking the same thing. I decided that I would wait to sign up so I could make sure to pray for someone that didn't have anyone else yet. So, this past Sunday night, I went to the back and looked the list over for someone to pray for. I knew I wanted a girl and there were only 2 people left! And only 1 girl! So that made my choice very easy. If I remember correctly, this little girl is the one I thought was SO CUTE at our Youth Group Trivia Night Fundraiser last Fall...I'm almost positive. Either way, it obviously doesn't matter...but, that's who I'm picturing when I pray for her.

I've spent a lot of time praying that she will be open to hear what God has to say to her this week. I asked God to break her heart of anything outside His will. I pray that she is having a great time and is building relationships with our group as well as others from all over the country. I can remember going on these trips every summer I was able and it was always such an awesome, God-filled experience. I've been praying that it's the same for her. I know once she comes home that I'll continue to pray for her from time to time because I know eventually the fire ignited inside her this week will start to does with everyone. So, I'll keep her in my prayers that she stays ALIVE for Christ and won't let all the excitement and enthusiasm she got during CIY to fade.

The email I received said they were going to try and set up a dessert meeting so the pray-ers can meet the pray-ees. I would LOVE that! I want to know how her week was and what she took away from it. I know highschool is a tough age and if I can be a positive example for this girl, I want to. I'll let you know what I find out and what comes of this. (O:

1 comment:

Pam said...

you write awsum blogs annie.. thanks for taking the time to share yourself, your pretty special. Even though I don't always comment, I love to read them. Kind of makes me feel like Im accepted and can share in your blessed life even if just alittle.