Friday, July 10, 2009

What a way to start the day!

I just want to say that I love my coworker, Kim and her whole family!

Before I can tell you the exciting-ness (new word) of today, I need to set it up. Last year when I started working here, I decided to start up a 'Birthday Club'. We had it in my old office and it was great. Here's what it is- all the people who want to participate write down their name, birthday and favorite cake. Then, each person draws a name and is in charge of bringing a cake on that person's birthday. It's just fun because everyone likes to be remembered on their birthday! So, everyone enjoyed it last year and wanted to do it again this year. (Yay! I love when ideas go well!)

Oh, I need to mention that everyone tells me whose name they draw so I can remind them when the birthday is coming up. (We didn't do this in the old office, but around here they all asked me whatever.)

Well, my birthday is next Saturday. I know that Marie drew my name. I was mentioning to Kim that I won't be here next Thursday or Friday because my dad is coming into town. I knew if I mentioned it to her, she would mention it to Marie so that my cake would be here on Wednesday. (O: But, when I was telling Kim, she told me that Marie was having hand surgery and would be gone for 2 weeks starting today! Man, was I bummed out! I love cake and any reason to eat cake is good with me! So, I just told Kim that I'd bring in my own ice cream cake next week because that's my favorite. (O:

Wouldn't you know that she brought in an ice cream cake in for me today!! And, her 8 year old daughter made me a balloon hat! (She learned how to make it at summer camp, haha!) I just thought that was so sweet of them. I'd post a picture of the balloon hat, but I don't have the cords here at work to do so. Just imagine it. Haha. (O:

So, I guess if you complain loudly enough, someone will bring you in an ice cream cake! (O:

1 comment:

Jaime G. said...

ice cream cake!!!!????!!!! YUM! lucky girl, lucky girl!