Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Early Anniversary

Last night, Jason and I went out for a 3 year anniversary. My mom stayed home with Emilia, and it was really nice to have a night to ourselves. We ate at Lone Star Steak House...because it was the least chain-ey chain restaurant we had to choose from in Effingham (BIG CITY, Holla!) Back in Granite, Lone Star would have been our last resort, but it was either that or Ruby Tuesdays or TGI Fridays.

After dinner we went to a movie- The Hot Tub Time Machine. SO not worth anyone's money. It was stupid and not funny. This coming from a girl who loves stupid, funny movies. So, don't see it unless you hate yourself.

I also had my first experience at a Menards...which apparently is like a Lowe's or Home Depot, but BETTER! They have a little bit of everything- even food. Still not as good as The Wal Mart (everyone around here adds "The" to Wal Mart's name, what is that about??) I already find it humorous that we have to make sure we write a list of items to get while "In Town" since we don't have any where near our home...but so far, we have done pretty well.

Oh! On our way to Effingham we drove past these Mansions. And I mean MANSIONS! They were like mini-castles and gorgeous!! The funniest part was when I comment that they still had their Christmas tree up (I've turned hillbilly already to even THINK a place as beautiful as this would be so tacky)...he was quick to correct me that it was a chandelier. Whoopsie! (O: I hope we drive back out that way soon, I would love to gawk some more at house ridiculously massive these houses were.

That's all for now. My life is boring- we are still unpacking. Yay moving! (O:


Jillian said...

Happy Anniversary!
I remember when you guys had just started talking & you, me, Ryan W. & Jason all went bowling. funny.

jodie said...

I drove past those mansions many times, they are Ginormous!! I remember how excited we were in st. elmo when the Lone Star opened up :) too funny

elise said...

glad you got to go out and sorry it was kind of bogus!
i heard that Date Night was pretty funny, maybe try that one next time:O)
so where is the nearest Target? we all know that is more important than "the Walmart" ;O)
thank goodness for online shopping, eh?

Devan said...

Menards is awesome! You will love it. :)