Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Honk honk, Ac-Hoo, Cough cough

Yep, that's me today...I've caught Emilia's cold. Poor little thing has been snot-nosed, sneezing and coughing since Sunday. We feel so bad for her because she has trouble breathing and wakes up a lot at night because she can't breathe well. This, in turn, means that Jason and I are waking up with her more, so we're also tired. And now I've caught her cold. :-( I've been blowing my nose all day (I'm sure it's nice and Rudolph red...) and my head is pretty groggy...I feel sort of out of it.

Tonight we are going to a 'Simply Fun' party for my friends Margo and Erin. It was supposed to be Margo's 2nd party as a consultant, but at her 1st party, Erin signed up to be a consultant too! So, now tonight's party is Erin's 1st party as a consultant, and Margo will be training her. Those girls are so funny. Margo started doing this to help pay down some debt and I'm pretty sure Erin is doing it because 'it's so much fun!!' I knew she'd like all these games, and I should have guessed that she'd sign up to sell it. Tonight will be a blast with her as the consultant; she gets so excited about things and it's contagious! (O:

Oh, and today is Emilia's 3 month birthday. (O: That means I'll be doing my mothly photo shoot for her! I just put her May pictures in the album yesterday and I can't believe how different she looks from just a month ago! She is definitely growing so fast and changing all the time.

OK- I'm too braindead to think of anything else to update on...haha. *sigh*

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I'm sorry you lovely ladies are sick!
hopefully you both start to feel better soon!