Thursday, January 22, 2009

Only 11 weeks left???

WHERE did all my time go? I know it would be pretty obvious that when I'm 29 weeks pregnant that there are only 11 weeks left, but I tell you I didn't realize it until last night...we went to Mark & Treasa's for dinner with Grandma Marie and Grandpa David, and a surprise cousin Mary Jo came too. I really love Mary Jo, she's so much fun. But, she was the one that asked how long I had left and as the words "11 weeks" escaped from my lips, I felt my heart drop a little.

Of course, I am completely ecstatic about getting my little baby girl here safe and sound, but man, it kinda snuck up on me. In all fairness, I'm pretty far along with all my organizing and preparing, so I shouldn't get myself too worried...but, I can't help it! Do you want to know what is at the top of my "To Do" list right now? Dusting the fans in our whole house, how random is that? It's just something that I want to get done before she gets here...and yes, I know it's gross that we haven't dusted those fans as long as we've been in that house, but come on, who really thinks "Oh, I think I'll dust the fans today"...not us, that's for sure! I think they call this the "nesting phase". I can understand, because I would really love to give my whole house a big overhaul cleaning before April, just so I know everything is ship-shape for baby time. Unfortunately, there is only so much of it I can actually do myself anymore and I hate to feel like I'm nagging Jason all the time to help. He does help and is great about it, don't get me wrong. I just know he's going to shake his head at me because I'm in crazy-preggo-mode.

The other thing I decided I need to create is a preggo binder to keep with my hospital bag (which I haven't even packed yet!) I want to have all my important paperwork all in one place. That includes copies of insurance cards, my Aflac info, a birth plan (when I figure out how to make one...), hospital registration paperwork (if there is any), and a list of important numbers. I would also like to make a list of everyone that wants to/needs to be contacted at each point in the process- when I go to the hospital, when I'm getting close to delivery, after delivery, etc. I think Jason's dad is going to lend us his laptop, so J can actually update on facebook too, haha, how lame are we? That's just a really quick and easy way to tell lots of people. But, I think I want to be able to let our good friends and immediate family know in person (OK, by text messages, but it's better than facebook!) (O:

I don't think this blog really has to do with much of anything, except helping me clear my head of all the stuff swirling around. 11 11 weeks until I hold my baby girl in my arms and kiss her sweet face. 11 weeks until we can see all her features and how beautiful she is. We can count and play with all her fingers and toes. 11 weeks until I'm a


Jaime G. said...

HOLY STINK PILE!!!!! 11 MORE WEEKS! That's abusrd! (And that leaves only 11 more weeks until Jon gets home remaing after Emilia is born!!!! YIPPEE!!!!)
Again, HOLY STINK PILE!!!! And, already worried about your hospital bag? Crazy Preggo Woman! I can't hardly wait!!! You'll be down into the single digit weeks in no time!!!!!

Danielle said...

you two are so crazy!
forget about dusting the fans, tell jaime that you want to go and get a relaxing pedicure or something instead!!
I'm so excited for you!

Jaime G. said...

ooooohhhhh! i LOVE danielle's idea!!!!!!!!

Pam said...

I agree with Danielle, you and Jaime both deserve a little bit of pampering, and its hard to come by when those babies are little! I say pedicure, lunch, a girly movie and the whole works!But you should do it on Danielles day off so she can have fun too!! :O Time flys when your having fun! Loveya