Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let's Get This Party Started!

Tagged by good ol' Jaime (O:

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

And... we're off!

5 things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago: (1999)
1. Wearing jeans 25cent thrift store t-shirts every day
2. Participating in underage drinking
3. Discovering that if I blow-dried my hair, it didn't go all crazy kinky frizzy
4. Had my first encounter with 'Photo Joe' in the school's dark room. (That's where the crush started)
5. Playing the Bass Drum in the marching band

5 Things On My To-Do List Today:
1. Purchase stamps so I can write and mail all my shower thank you cards next Monday
2. Finishing preparing all our hospital bags for when I go into labor
3. Make a birth plan
4. Purchase all the birthday and anniversary cards I need for February
5. Iron the outfit I'm wearing to my shower!! (O:

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Chocolate covered strawberries
2. Smoothies
3. Sliced red apple with peanut butter
4. Junior Mints or York Peppermint Patties or Andes Mints
5. Graham crackers, with or without peanut butter

5 Things I Would Do if I Were a Billionaire:
1. Pay off all our debt, then all our family's debt, then help any other loved ones with their debt
2. Help the church
3. Travel the world donating and working with orphanages and any other organizations that help impoverished children
4. Sponser lots and lots more Compassion children
5. Quit my job (duh), but start volunteering again as a Ministry Assistant to Ian and whoever else needs my help

5 Bad habits:
1. Not keeping up with my car maintenance
2. Rolling my eyes
3. Correcting other people's grammar (either outloud or in my head)
4. Never saying "No" to anyone
5. Chewing ice and hard candy

5 Places I’ve lived:
1. Grand Forks, North Dakota
2. Colorado Springs, Colorado (OH, how I miss you sweet CO!!)
3. Shiloh, IL
4. Swansea, IL
5. Pontoon Beach, IL (I swore I'd never live in Granite City and so far I've held to that! Barely, but I still count it as a win! Even though GC isn't as bad as everyone thinks it is.)

5 Jobs I’ve Had:
1. Kitchen worker at Johnson Bible College as my Work Co-Op
2. Banking- Teller and Loan Assistant
3. Ministry Assistant to Ian (my favorite job still to this day)
4. Accounts Payable at Illinois Eye Surgeons (who doesn't love wearing scrubs to work!?)
5. Wedding Coordinator (this is tied with Ministry Assistant...except in a few short months I will be able to add VIRGINA KERR, News 4 Anchorlady, to my list of weddings I've coordinated. Oh yeah, that's right!)

5 Things People Probably Don’t Know About Me:
1. When I was a little kid, I stole a cross keychain from a Christian bookstore and never got caught
2. I talk to (and answer) myself
3. I enjoy people-watching and always notice their shoes...something I learned from my Grandma Hilda many moons ago (O:
4. I cried at the movie "All Dogs Go To Heaven" at age 5, "Free Willy" and "Mrs. Doubtfire" a few years later and cannot remember the last movie that made me cry as an adult
5. I HATE the feeling of cotton balls and sends chills up my spine like nails on a chalkboard

Lucky for you, I'm not tagging anyone- this is just for your reading pleasure! (O:


Jaime G. said...

why am i good "ol" jaime? jeepers!

i can't believe you stole a cross keychain (how wrong is that?) from a Christian bookstore (even worse)! you couldn't just go with a gumball from a convenience store or something!

annie said...

Go big or go home. That's what I always say. Ok, not really...but, I just wanted it and my mom wouldn't let me have it. It seemed like my only option at the time!