Monday, March 2, 2009

I need to borrow a bubble to live in...

It seems like everyone around me is coming down with one illness or another. My coworker, Kim, is out today because her daughter has strep and she thinks she might have it now too. Another lady is out sick with, I think, a stomach bug or something. Another girl's daughters are both sick, I don't know with what.

I told my office manager I'm going to start spraying down anyone who wants to enter my office. I just worry about getting sick so close to the end of my pregnancy. I'm already tired 95% of the time; I don't need some illness knocking me down and out with only 5 weeks left to get all the last minute details under control!

I guess I don't actually have that much, or anything really, left to get done before Emilia's grand entrance. But, I would still prefer to stay healthy for the next month.

Jaime was also worried this morning about a rash on Jax's little cheeks. I really appreciate her concern for me, but luckily it was just an eczema flare up. I say luckily because she was worried about it being fifths disease or something contagious. Since I was loving on Jax all last night, I'm glad it wasn't anything I have to worry about. But, I hope it gets cleared up with the meds, poor little guy!

So, that's it. That is why I want to live with the Boy in the Bubble for the next 5 weeks.

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