Friday, November 6, 2009

Breathing seems to be optional...

Yep, I have a head cold. I am pretty sure my sweet, little girl gave it to me. She has been snot-nosed since Sunday and so now neither of us is doing too hot. Right now, I feel supremely congested, but there is nothing left to blow (thanks for sharing, I know). I really would not mind this congestion, well actually I do mind, I would rather be feeling well, but my point is- this darn congestion is interfering with my running!

Today is supposed to be Day 2 of Week 5, which entails two 8-minute runs with a walking break in between…I didn’t do it this morning because I wanted to sleep in a little (J is home today, so he was on Emilia morning duty). It was nice to get an extra 45 minutes of sleep this morning. I have plans to do my run this afternoon at the park. I can just see it now…huffing and puffing along, hocking lugees and snots dripping out my nose. What a lovely site! (You are welcome for the visual!)

I am still fully intending to run after work, but I am not looking forward to the not-breathing part. Breathing through my nose is next to impossible at the moment, and when it does happen, it is overly labored. At least I will be running alone- no one will have to witness this horrific event. (haha)

My oldest (# of years of friendship oldest, not oldest age) friend Jessca just finished week 3 of C25K this morning and asked me for a ‘Victory!' through texting. I smiled and obliged. We talked for a while last night on the phone and it was mostly about running…What. The. Heck. Has. Happened. To. Us??? We are two Nooon-Runners. I’m glad she is doing this training too- I am already researching 5K races in January for our whole runners group to do. Jaime and I will have to keep up with our running throughout December and Jessca should be done with her training by January and ready for a race! I see hot pink shirts in our near future…(O: (PS- Jaime, how are we going to do these shirts so they are visible for a December run?? Long sleeve dry fit with something else underneath? This will take some research!)

I don’t know who of you out there are runners already, but if not, maybe my journey can inspire you to do so. If you would have asked me 5 weeks ago to run 8 minutes without stopping and be excited about it, I would have punched you in the throat (not really). But now, I KNOW I can do this and I am so excited! I need to get healthy, and I have taken many baby steps, but I am on my way to a healthier lifestyle. Running is a big part of that. What a great way to stay in shape. You don’t need any big fancy equipment, just some clothes and a good pair of running shoes- Bing Bang Boom. At first when my friend Margo told me “If I can do this, You can do it”, I didn’t really believe her. But she is RIGHT! Anyone can do this program.

I’ll stop now, before you think I’m also drinking their Kool-Aid…which maybe I am, don’t judge me! (O:


Jaime G. said...

you crack me up! "punched you in the throat"... LOVE IT!

um, yep, it will need to be dri-fit with another shirt (probably a dri fit tank) under it. at teh start we can huddle with blankies wrapped around us and throw them off to one of our many fans!
(by the way, we need to establisha fan club of supporters willing to freeze their butts off and cheer us along at every mile)

i was looking yesterday for the shirts... how do you feel about a dri fit hoodie? (they're super cute)

yippee! that means jess will either have to come visit our our families (or the two of us)have to take a road trip to KC (which could be totally fun!)...
oh, by the way, am i your "oldest" friend (age wise?)

Jaime G. said...

i forgot... super glad i won't be running with you this afternoon and i won't ahve to experience the nastiness...
jon will get to enjoy watching me run in my "home running attire"... maybe he'll stay upstairs rather than be downstairs to watch my belly jiggle around. ew.