Friday, November 6, 2009

iStock Update~

Well, that was quick...not sure that is a good sign. Buuut, my application was returned again. The picture of Avery was rejected because it was too similar (Since I alread had one baby shot)...they told me "+++too many babies".

The good news though- Elise's picture was accepted!! That means I only need ONE MORE photo before I can actually upload pictures to be sold. It has to be something new and completely different from either of my other two. So, I told Jason I'm taking his camera and going for a long walk this weekend. I will shoot whatever I see that interests me. I am also hoping to spend a little more time online today checking out what does well for others. Maybe I just need to understand what iStock is looking for.

Anyway, I'm happy that so far I have TWO photos that are up to snuff. Maybe that means the hobby I enjoy so much can grow and I'm actually somewhat good at it. (O:

1 comment:

Sonja said...

I left an award for you on my blog! :)