Monday, November 30, 2009

A little catch up...

I'm on my lunch break, so I don't really have time for a full catch up blog post, but here are the highlights:

Awesomely Wonderful, perfect relaxing weekend! I got all my usual weekend chores done Wednesday night so I could enjoy the next 4 days off and I certainly did! We had Jason's brother and sister-in-law over on Thanksgiving and had a great time. It was laid back and fabulous. It was my first attempt at all-foods-Thanksgiving and we rocked it! Let me just say, Baking Bags are from heaven! Also, I'm still bummed about not getting to make cheesy potato casserole...but I digress.

Friday was the traditional Black Friday shopping. It was less than average this year. I'm still mad at Wal-mart. This year they had all the good deals already out and open WELL before "Open time" of 5 a.m. There were just signs saying the sale prices wouldn't ring up until 5 a.m. So, anyone who knew this could get there at 2:00 a.m. or whenever, load up their cart and just WAIT until 5:00 to check out! All the racks were completely empty by the time we got there at 4:30. (Which in years past was more than enough time to get in and get where we wanted to be when everything was unwrapped at 5:00). BOO WALMART! J did get the GPS he wanted from Target...he ordered it online the night before! I was suprised they had their BF sale prices online the day before, but that worked out well for us!

Saturday, Jason's mom made a Thanksgiving dinner for all 6 (and 2 babies) of us and we also did some family pictures. Emilia didn't really cooperate too well, but hopefully a couple turned out well enough for Christmas cards! I'll post them once I look through them. (O:

Sunday was another special day...Jason preached the night service! I was so nervous for him I thought I was either going to puke or cry. Luckily, I did neither. and He was so great! I am so proud of him. We are using this sermon (which we had recorded and burned onto DVD's) to send with his resumes. I just keep praying that something comes along for him soon!!

The worst part of the whole weekend (and quite possibly my life, so far) came after church. I was picking Emilia up from the nursery and went to close the door to the room as we were leaving....not noticing that she had taken ahold of the inside part of the door. I smashed her sweet little hand IN THE DOOR!!! I instantly felt sick and she was in hysterics, with good reason! It took me probably 15 minutes to calm her back down. (Partly because it was already past her bedtime, but mostly because her mother injured her). I know these things are going to happen and I know she is OK, but man. There is nothing like the heartache of causing pain to your own baby. Nothing. I still see the whole tramatic event replaying in my mind and almost cry every time.

But, awful "Mother of the Year" moment aside, the weekend was so wonderful. I kept thinking about how amazingly lucky and thankful I am for everyone in my life.

1 comment:

elise said...

booo. poor both of you! she's been fine today though, doesn't act like it bothers her at all. I'm gald you had a relaxing Thanksgiving:O) And you're right, J did a great job last night!