Thursday, August 13, 2009

Funeral Clothes...

So, this might be stupid, but I cannot stop worrying about what to dress Emilia in for Grandpa Oshall's funeral. He hasn't passed away yet, but we all know it's coming. And seeing as we're right smack dab in the middle of moving (as in, Jason and our dear, lovely friend Jon are packing and moving our junk as I type), I need to start thinking about what we'll all be wearing to make sure it stays accessible. Jason already has his suits ready to go. I think I've decided on my navy and white dress for the viewing and a black skirt/shirt combo for the funeral. But, they don't really make black dresses for babies...It's not that Emilia has to MATCH J and I, but I feel like I shouldn't be dressing her in bright polka dots or anything too cheery. Even though this really is a good event, we're all so glad Oshall is going to see Jesus, I just feel like I should be dressing her a little more formal.

I think I've let my mind concentrate on this silly little problem so much because it keeps me from thinking about the bigger issues. I can't cry about losing my dear friend if I'm caught up in Emilia's wardrobe. I also can't get too overwhelmed with life, because this is so important to think about.

So, even though that's boring and you probably don't care, it's what is on my mind and has been for days. And that's that. (My Grams used to always say that...) (O:


Jaime G. said...

oh, dear friend. now your focused on all sorts of people who have left this world for a much better place, aren't you? now Oshall has got Grams on your mind....

um... pastels would work. and didn't you order a white dress. i sort of like the white dress idea since she is a baby and pure, like an angel and Oshall is Heaven bound... makes me think of angels.

Danielle said...

I like jaime's idea of a white dress, too.

Or if you could find one, maybe a dark purple dress of something.