Monday, August 24, 2009

You'll be missed, Mrs. Dolores

I found out this morning that an elderly lady from my church passed away last night. Dolores has been a family friend as long as I've gone to Cornerstone (17 years). She opened her home to the Singles Bible study group my mom started and took us in as family.

I remember going to her house every Friday night and all the yummy foods she would have for us. We would barely make it in the door before she's offering to fix us this or that. She was relentless- there wouldn't be an empty mouth in the whole house if she had anything to do with it. And you always had dessert. Not just cookies either- there was always a cake, ice cream with all the fixin's and anything else she thought up. She spoiled us like we were her own grandchildren.

She also had a big pool with a slide in her backyard that Clare and I thought was amazing! Even as we grew up and weren't always at small group, we were still allowed to come over anytime to swim or lay out or just to visit. Our youth group used to have Youth parties at her pool at least once or twice a summer and it was her joy to have us.

Dolores was never seen without a little disposable camera flashing away. In later years, someone did finally get her an actual camera, which she could turn off and on, but that was about it. She had loads of pictures of ANY event that ever took place at church, her house, or anywhere else she was invited. Anytime someone needed a picture of someone or from something specific, Dolores was the one to call! Most of the pictures I have from the time we moved here until I went away to college were from her.

I have such fond memories of Dolores and she will be truly missed. (I can't say much else right now because I'm trying not to bawl at work...) Today is a sad day for us, but a joyous one for her. She's in Heaven praising our Lord!!

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I was so sad, but happy at the same time when I heard. She gets to be with Jesus and Frank, but she didn't get to meet Cash and I didn't get to give her a hug. I'm going to miss her so much.