Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Morning Recap

Whew! What a weekend! This post is going to be a little bit of everything, and I cannot guarantee that it will be in a well thought out, organized manner...

Jason came home Saturday- WOO HOO!!! His flight was delayed a couple of times, so he didn't arrive until about 2 hours later than scheduled, but it was great anyway! Emilia and I went to meet him at the airport and her whole face lit up as soon as he came around the corner and said her name! It was such a sweet moment. (O:

After a quickie trip home (yes, I mean a quickie at home) ;-) we were off to the Cards/Braves game with our great friends, Jon and Jaime. Those seats were great! I think I've only ever sat that close a couple of times, and it was when I was much younger. The nachos were delicious as always and I even made a new friend. There was an older man sitting next to me, half drunk in the 2nd inning, and we had some lovely chats. (O:

That night, Jason showed us ALL of his pictures from India. It was really neat to see where he was and what he was doing. He shared some of the testimonies he heard while he was over there, and each one was just as awful, but inspiring as the next. If I start explaining the stories, this post will become WAY too long, but just believe me when I tell you that these men have been persecuted for their faith and are praising our Lord for it! Jason said he really learned so much over there- these people has Nothing, but are so happy and praising God for what they do have. They are also completely souled out for God- they are witnessing to everyone they come into contact with and they are not afraid to spread the Good News! (I was reminded from Jason's stories that I need to work on living this way in my daily life...more on that in a minute!)

Other good news from Saturday...Emilia slept through the night!!! Ya Ya!! I've really been struggling with this because I didn't know what I was doing or what I should be doing to try and help it. so, I started an earlier bed time and a more structured bedtime routine, including cereal, bath, bottle, bed. It worked!!! I know her little life is changing so much with the move and all, so I think she just needed that structure (sooo her mother's daughter!) (O: So, around 8:00 a.m. (whooot whoot!) Jason went to check on her (he still gets nervous when she sleeps that late) and when he walked in, she rolled over, looked at him and grew a great big smile! He brought her into our room and we all 3 just layed together for a while. It was wonderful.

It was Grandparent's Day Sunday, in case you didn't, Emilia and I ran to the store to get gifts for Grandma, Grammy and Poppy. Then, we all went to Logan's for lunch and it was great. I really love that my mom and Jason's parents get along well enough that we can all get together like that. It makes those events so much more enjoyable than having to scurry from one place to the next, so no one is left out. It was just a great day! (Not to mention, J and I went walking around the mall after lunch and the Children's Place had some footie PJ's on clearance for $2/piece!!! I bought every color and every size from 6-9 mos to 24mos for Emilia! Haha, but hey! That's a great deal!) (O:

Sunday night was the perfect end to the perfect weekend. I made it through the praise music and almost the entire message before Emilia was hungry and I'm really glad it worked out that way. Ian spoke about how Worship isn't just music, it's your whole life. I told Jason I was glad he spoke about that, because not only do I think it was good for everyone to hear it, I, myself, needed to hear it again. Of course, I already knew it, but it is always good to be reminded of things we 'already know'. Going to church on Sundays, smiling at visitors and singing some songs isn't 'Worship' unless I'm living the rest of my life to honor and glorify God.

I feel very convicted that I've let 'work Annie' become someone that's a little less encouraging, joyful and kind than she used to be. It doesn't matter what my circumstances are, or what's going on around me, I need to rise above it and still shine for Jesus every day! I think work is the easiest place for me to slip up because I'm rarely encouraged to be better. There are only a few people here that even claim they are Christians and none of them actually are. I think we've got some Catholics, but they are the Easter/Christmas variety and sometimes they don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. So, it's very easy for me to get caught up in the gossip, slander and harmful joking that takes place daily. I have realized that this is an area I need to work on. While I'm ashamed to admit I don't spend much time in the Word on my own, I am so very glad that our ladies' Bible study is starting back up this week. Not only do I enjoy the social time with my closest friends each week, but I really am thankful for the time to grow together in God's Word. Can't wait!

OK- WHEW! I think I'm caught up! Have a great day! (O:

1 comment:

Jaime G. said...

that was totally a great message last night. it made my blog too! LOVED it! i might even get the CD so i can listen to it again and again to remind me of what i strive to be and to always give God more! LOVED IT!

*so happy emilia is sleeping better for you. super amazing with all those boggies she's got going on.
** and so glad that you enjoyed the ball game. i did too. which i didn't think i would since i was stuck next to a drunk guy that was overflowing his seat and that i didn't get to talk to you the whole game. who knew baseball could be so much fun?