Wednesday, October 7, 2009

C25K W1D2

Hello friends!

This morning was day 2 of week 1 of Couch to 5K and I did it! I am actually very surprised I had the energy bc I was up from 4:00-4:45 with a certain little girl who, at first, was not hungry and then was hungry. So, after feeding her a bottle at 4:45, I realized that my alarm would be going off any minute anyway and I didn't go back to bed. (WOW, I know!) I just grabbed my running outfit, socks and shoes and got ready.

Today was actually a little better than Monday. I am sure Monday was a little rough just because it has been ages since I have done any sort of physical activity...but I was glad all the same! I have to count as I breathe to make sure I breathe in my nose and out my mouth. (I know it sounds silly, but up until I was a junior in high school, when I had my tonsils removed, I could not breathe through my nose. So, once I could, I still did not....thus, I have to actively think about doing so. ...Like you didn't already know I was weird!) Anyway, the 60 seconds of jogging seemed to go by quicker than the last time and it was almost harder to walk after jogging than it would have been to keep jogging. But, I'm a rule follower, so I did as the instructions suggest. And I didn't cheat this time either! I was on that puppy until 25 minutes had gone by. (O:

I think I have developed a rather humorous habit too...on Monday AND today after I finished, I threw my hands in the air and yelled 'Victory!' Haha, isn't that crazy?! But, I kinda like it and I think I'll continue to do it. It is like a tiny little victory every time, right? So, there ya have it. That is that.

Oh and our running group is growing! My friend Jaime mentioned something about running on FB and I commented that Dec. 5 will be here before we know it...and she's had several comments following. Including one from our other friend Margo (a non-blogger, but she likes to read ours) (O: She has been doing the C25K training and is on week 8. She has her first run this weekend! I'm so proud of her and it has given me encouragement that I CAN do this! I think she's going to sign up and run with Jaime and I in December!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm proud of you! Especially for getting up so early to do it!!!
