Monday, October 12, 2009

Hello Monday.

Well, that was a quick weekend. It was actually pretty good, I'm just in a little bit of a stinky mood this today, so I am having difficulty remembering the fun I had...

Saturday was a great shopping day! My mom and I drove out to Warrenton, MO to the some outlet malls. The Carter's store was not the best I have ever seen, but I still managed to spend a decent amount of money (haha). They had some good fall clearance and also some way clearance summer stuff that I purchased for next year. Gap was not that great either (sadly). BUT! They have these bags right now, their 'Eco Bags'. If you purchase one ($5, if I remember correctly), anytime you bring it in to use, now throuch Dec. 31, 2009- anything that will fit in there you get 10% off! Deal! ALSO~~ Nike did have some good deals! I purchased a couple dryfit tops for myself and 1 for J. I never thought it made a difference what I wore while running/walking...but man! Those babies are great! (O:

I spent most of the day Sunday washing all the new clothes I purchased for Emilia at the outlet mall and a couple presale yard sales...(O: Then, I tried to get through 9-12, 12-18, and 18-24 mos clothes to sort and make a list of what we have...I finished 18-24 and 12-18, but only made it about 1/2 through 9-12 before I needed to clean off the bed to watch Army Wives! (O: We did not make it to church Sunday night because J has been laid out sick all weekend! He is going to the doctor today at 2:10 because he still is not feeling better...So, instead of church, I worked on finalizing some stuff for my sister-in-law's shower, which is this Saturday. I *really* want to post pictures of the finished centerpieces, but I am paranoid that Amy may find this blog and it would ruin the you will just have to wait until next week! (O:

This morning came too quickly and I definitely did NOT enjoy my run/jog/walk. Week 2 is OK so far...of course I only just did day it may get worse, I suppose. Last week my friend Margo (the nonblogger) told me that the hardest part is putting your shoes on. She is so right! Once I had those dang shoes on, I knew I was going to go run even though every part of my being was screaming to go cuddle back into my bed. Even my victory chant did not work as well as usual. So, I am hoping Wednesday will go better...we shall see!

Did you all have a lovely weekend? Any big plans for the week?

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Ah! I tried to bring your diaper center piece last night! I'm so sorry that I still haven't gotten it back to you!
Sound like you got lots of good shopping in. :)