Tuesday, October 27, 2009


That's right, I said OOFTA! I know I have been a little MIA here lately and I apologize!

My mind has been spinning since this weekend. We found out some less-than-wonderful things about the daycare we have (had) Emilia in, so I have been completely preoccupied with trying to find a new one. Luckily, our friend, Elise (@elise is...content) has agreed to watch our little girl, in addition to her own 2 kids and one other little girl she was already watching. Woo hoo! No more stress about if Emilia is being neglected! She starts there on Monday and I am so relieved!!

Now that I am not completely consumed with that...I have moved on to our Halloween costumes for this weekend's Halloween Part-AAAY! (O: As we already know, Emilia is going to be a duck...so Jason is going to be a duck hunter and I am going to be a hunting dog. (haha). Hey, it beats being farmers! Plus, we already have everything I need for these costumes and I could not find ANY flannel or overalls at Goodwill! So, farmers are out and hunter&dog are in! (O:

I am up to week FOUR in the C25K and I am still somewhat in disbelief. Today was 5min brisk walk, jog 3 min, walk 1.5 min, jog 5 min, walk 2.5 min, jog 3 min, walk 1.5 min, jog 5 min, VICTORY! I had to do some serious praying this morning to get through it. I wanted to give up before I even started. I guess my mood was just off today. But, I have to agree with something I ready on another blog- her name is Lauren and her blog is LiveLaughLove (wish I had thought to use that...we LOVE that saying in the Warren household! I might switch mine to something similar! ...anyway...) She is 2 weeks ahead of me and it has been such an encouragement to read about her training. It shows me that I CAN keep going. Even when I feel like I have made an awful, AWFUL mistake, I can keep going. Anyway, a few posts ago, she said that she has realized she doesn't love the running part, but she loves the finishing part. That is SO ME!! I pretty must Hate the entire 25ish minutes of the actual running...but getting to the end and being able to shout victory is so great! It really is what keeps me going at this point.

Well, now work is over (ha). I'll save more for another day!

Have a great night all! (O:


Jaime G. said...

"oofta"?!?!?! you just totally stole my word!!!! (i don't mind really... i use "mylanta" all the time) it's a great wrod, isn't it?!?! i think your mood about it all was sort of sour because of the daycare stress, so you should be fine for your next run!

Kristin said...

Ooo, girlie. I hate to hear that you've had some issues with child care! I can only imagine how stressful that must've been. Sounds like you've got the problem solved, though! Yaay for that! :)

And I completely know what you mean about running! Ahhh! I absolutely hate it when I'm doing it, but then when it's over, I feel soooo freaking amazing that I cannot help but do it again!! DGC and I did the Country Music Half Marathon last year and we are signed up to do it again. That is, if I can get back into shape between now and April! Hang in there, lady! I'm seriously impressed!!