Friday, October 23, 2009

Watching the clock...

Technically, that title is very uncreative and undescriptive because I could use it literally every. single. day. (Well, Monday through Friday anyway) But that is what I am sitting here stuff off my desk for the week and gearing up for the weekend. We do not have too much going on, but enough to make me look forward to getting out of here.

I am getting off at 2:00 today (woo hoo) to take Emilia for her 6 month check-up (tear). I already have the Tylenol in my purse, to give her before we head over to the doctor's office. In case no one ever tells you, as no one told me, give your baby a dose of Tylenol before the doctor's appointment if she/he will be getting any shots. That way it can start kicking in before the horrible incident occurs.

I have been dreading today all week...I hate shots. I still get upset (and sometimes cry) when I know I have to get them and it is even worse when I know the pain will be inflicted on my little girl. The last time I took her, she just looked up at me in shock, like 'WHY did you let this happen to me???' It was awful. I cried, she cried. Awful. The next visit with shots, lucky for me, Jason took her. He did not cry, he was strong. But, he did tell me he felt really bad. Now it is my turn again and I am not looking forward to this. I am half minded to get a bottle ready and feed her while she is getting them...maybe she will be so distracte she won't be scarred for life. (Yes, I am dramatic. What else is new.)

After that, I am going to a Beth Moore podcast with my Momma at her church. I am really excited! I really enjoy hearing Beth Moore speak and I have been praying that I will be open to the messages she shares. It will also be some good time spent with my Momma. I do not see her very often (even though she only lives 20 minutes away) and I am always excited to squeeze time in with her whenever I can! The sessions are tonight and tomorrow morning. Wahoo!

Saturday afternoon is currently free and that would be exciting. Except I know it will be spent catching up on laundry and finishing the task of switching E's clothes from 3-6mos to 6-9/6-12 mos. We have been living out of the 6-9/6-12 month storage tub since last weekend and I am done with that. I am thinking that *maybe* I can convince J to take me to a movie that night...but we shall see. He almost refuses to go to the movies on the weekends because everyone is loud and rude and etc. (He is going to be one grumpy old man someday!) BUT, if I offer up something he wants to see, it might happen. *fingers crossed* (O:

Sunday morning will hopefully involve sleeping in a little before Day 3 of Week 3 of Couch to 5K! This week has been very encouraging. I was pretty nervous about the 3 minute runs, but they are not so bad. Yes, I am a sweaty, red puffy faced mess when I am done, but I am Doing It! Not breaks, no slowing down, no passing out. I decided this morning that I do not care how awful I look, as long as I am doing it. I am not completely dead, out of breath when I am done because I am keeping up with good breathing techniques. So, if my face is so splotchy red that it will scare small children and make newborn babies cry, that is OK. I just PRAY no one EVER has a camera near me after a run...that would be unfortunate for everyone involved.

Sunday evening, before The Edge is a friend's baby shower. I was in charge of (by self appointment, of course) getting the group organized and purchasing the gift. I think she will be pleased. The wrapping job is going to be pretty cute too, seeing as I had left over teal wrapping paper and brown ribbon with teal polka dots from my sister-in-law's shower...rock on! We have three boxes stacked on top of each other with a little lion toy, that I let Emilia pick out, on top. Cute cute cute. I just love baby showers and helping a new momma with the stuff she will really need! I remember my shower and how grateful I was to everyone for all the gifts, advice and love. It was truly overwhelming. I hope my friend's day is just as wonderful.

After The Edge, my weekend is over. (boo). BUT- the next weekend is Halloween!! I am *thinking* about doing some 'You've Been Boo'd' business at work next week for fun. At my old job we did this, but usually for the last 2 weeks before I am a little late. Oh well. It could still be fun! It will all depend on if I have enough time to go grab up some Halloween goodies before Monday! (O:

Have a great weekend friends! (O:

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