Friday, October 2, 2009

To Quack or Le Pew?

With Halloween quickly approaching, I am having to make a big decision!

Last year, when I was still pregnant, and before we knew our baby's gender, I purchased two adorable costumes- a duck and a skunk. I just figured I would dress her up in both for some pictures and take her to see her Grandma (the one we don't live with) and then call it a day.

But now, I'm helping throw a Halloween party where costumes are highly encouraged...

My husband isn't all about the merriment, and the only way I could get him to agree to dressing up was by telling him that we would go as a family theme. He knows what costumes we have for Emilia and suggested that he and I go as farmers with a little baby duck. My struggle is that I am in LOVE with the skunk costume, I just think it would be so, I need some help.

Should we be farmers with a baby duck or hillbillies with a pet skunk??? (Yes, I'm aware that neither of these ideas are very creative, but I don't really want to purchase a THIRD costume for E to fit a better work with me!) (O:

What's your vote? Quack or Le Pew?


Jillian said...

hmm... that's a toughie. You could always do a color theme instead of a costume theme. That way you guys could have more freedom in your costumes. Jason could be a prisoner and you could be a flapper or something cool like that ;)

Erin* said...

I think the Duck would be Soooo cute along w/ you guys being Farmers!! So adorable .. but then again, I did live on a Farm so I'm kind of biased to that. :) Also .. we did Hillibillies @ Scott & Lucas's awhile back. .. Oh my gosh, I guess it's been 2 years already! Time does fly by!! .. But in conclusion, both would be so cute but I'm a Farm Girl so I'm going to go w/ that. :)