Sunday, May 9, 2010
SO excited!!
So, basically, I can't tell you anything about what I'm up to...but if I have peaked your curiosity at all, just text me and I'll send you a picture of what I'm working on! (O: (Elise, this does not go for'll have to wait~!) (O:
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
These things are EVERYWHERE!!
I am overly, irrationally afraid of all 8-legged stalkers and HATE that creepy crawly feeling I get when I've seen one. Even after I have smashed him into oblivion and I have his guts in the papertowel to prove it, I still feel icky all over and will swat at myself for hours, feeling phantom spiders crawling on me. (to add to this...Jason just came in to tell me when need to also watch ourselves and Zeke for he just plucked one off his knee after his run. AHH!!)
I guess this post is rather pointless too...seeing as there isn't anything anyone can do about this dilemma...but I had to get it off my chest! I am now scanning every corner and the ceiling of every room upon entering it to see if a new "friend" has taken up residency. Hopefully after a little while, we will kill enough of them that they will spread the word and move on...
Oh, did I mention that our vacuum cleaner broke so I can't even just suck them up anymore...we actually have to get physical. Gross.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Paid off = BROKEN
To be fair, we have been having a little trouble with the van for several months now...but it just started getting worse and worse. Let me set the scene for you:
Yesterday, we drove to Granite to have lunch with Jason's mom and his grandparents. We weren't intending on a long visit, just chat at lunch, hit a real-sized Walmart for groceries and head home. If only it were that easy...after lunch, the van wouldn't start. I don't mean a problem with the engine or anything like that (thankfully). The key just will not turn. At. All. Same problem as usual...but, usually we can get it to turn after some serious jiggling. Nope. Nada.
Jason calls a friend who is a tow truck driver (Ugh, I'm already thinking about THAT bill...) But luckily, this nice man told us a little trick to try. His oldest daughter used to have the same van, and apparently Chrysler makes bad ignitions. The trick works and we are able to drive the van to the local repair shop (Jason's entire family all uses the same place, so it was kind of lucky that this happened while nearby!)
This little adventure turned our "Short and Sweet" lunch trip into a whole day ordeal. We sat around for a few hours at Jason's parent's house with the whole family, which was nice. But Jason apparently wasn't planning to stay for dinner, so I asked WHY we were still there...we still needed to get to Walmart and hopefully make it home at a decent hour. That didn't happen either. We made it to Walmart around 6, and Emilia did pretty well for being hungry and missing lots of her nap...then the drive home and Emilia was in bed by 9:30! We have been getting her to bed by 8, most nights...
We are still waiting to hear how much this will cost us, but Jason thinks it will be rather fix it they have to take off the steering wheel and something else just to get to the spot to look at it. So, Jason just gave them a list of a few other things that we wanted to have checked out anyway...I have a bad feeling! (Don't we always when dropping a vehicle off for's never cheap!)
Moral of the Story: Don't ever pay anything off unless you're ready to have it break down! (O:
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
First and LAST time...
So, I waited....and waited....and checked the tracking information....and waited. Finally, yesterday I called because the tracking info hadn't been updated since April 16th. I know I live in the boonies now with only a PO Box for an address, but come on people! That bedding is for our guest room and who knows when I may have a guest "stop by" (HAHA). The nice man told me something about just cancelling my order and reordering/reshipping. Something about the order being considered lost bc the tracking was never updated. OK, fine. These things happen, and I'm not in any *real* hurry.
Later that day, Jason went to check out mail. He came back with a "Item too big for mailbox" slip, but couldn't pick up whatever it was because the Post Office was closed for lunch. (Yes, we are that small...I'm very glad we actually HAVE a Post Office, but they only have one employee, so you better get there before 11:30 or after 1:00) I went by later in the afternoon to pick up whatever was waiting (I assumed something from Ebay)...but it was a box. Too big for Ebay, but not big enough for my now I'm confused.
I get it home and open it. It is EVERY single item I ordered EXCEPT the bedding. There were a bunch of papers in there too...something about there was a loose mailing label floating around without a package and a package without any mailing instructions, so they had to figure it out. My packing slip was still with the items, so I assume that's how they solved that mystery. Everything was marked off except my bedding. And another slip said to contact my Post Master if any items were unaccounted for. Great. (Side note, the box also had the wrong PO Box number on it and a special little note from my postal worker, Sue, asking to please inform my sender of the correct number to avoid possible return of package in the future...apparently she runs into this a lot because it was a preprinted note. AND, my packing slip HAD the right number...whoever matched my items to my mailing label wrote the wrong number down! I just hate looking stupid.)
So, what do I do first? Now I have to call JC Penney Back Again and explain this fiasco. I also have to talk to Sue and find out what to do about the bedding part of the whole ordeal. I guess I'll talk to Sue when I get our mail this morning and go from there. But come on! All this for some bedding?? Ugh.
But hey! At least it's something to blog about (haha, I'm so boring still!)
Hope your day is less annoying than mine. (O:
Monday, April 26, 2010
Not quite settled...
I know I've been completely silent for almost a week...and I am sorry. I'm still working on balancing stay-at-home-Momma duties with wifey duties and unpacking, organizing, living, eating, showering, and me time (somewhere in there!) But, I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed as I did last week...and I haven't cried any(more). Only once last week.
I think I didn't prepare myself enough for how vastly different my life out here in the country would be. Yes, I knew it would be different, but how can one understand HOW different when this world is completely opposite of everything I once considered normal?? I really do like it here and I am starting to work through missing all the comforts of my old "home".
One perk- more lists! We have a little notepad up on our fridge once again...because there is no "running to the store" anymore. Each trip needs to be planned and made the most of. So, we keep a running list of things we need- groceries, Emilia-proofing items, a new iron, etc. That way, when we head into Town to The Walmart, we *hopefully* won't forget anything. The trick is to REMEMBER THE LIST...we have already forgotten it twice I think when going to The Walmart. Oh well, it just gives me a chance to look forward to getting out again relatively soon. (O:
Oh, and I now make a daily trip to the Post Office...where I've already had one package returned to sender because it was made out to my Real First Name and my Maiden Last Name...whoopsie! Probably should have warned the Post Office Lady about my E-Bay addiction and the fact that I still haven't changed it over to my married name...but Come on! E-Bay wants you to send them a copy of your marriage certificate and fill out some form...Seriously?? I don't really find that necessary when everyone else will do it without. So, I'll just be a pain in everyone's side. Haha.
Well, like I said- I'm boring right now. I am sorry for wasting your time on this post...I promise to make my next post one of substance and with at least a somewhat coherent thought process...but until then, Good Night! (O:
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Early Anniversary
After dinner we went to a movie- The Hot Tub Time Machine. SO not worth anyone's money. It was stupid and not funny. This coming from a girl who loves stupid, funny movies. So, don't see it unless you hate yourself.
I also had my first experience at a Menards...which apparently is like a Lowe's or Home Depot, but BETTER! They have a little bit of everything- even food. Still not as good as The Wal Mart (everyone around here adds "The" to Wal Mart's name, what is that about??) I already find it humorous that we have to make sure we write a list of items to get while "In Town" since we don't have any where near our home...but so far, we have done pretty well.
Oh! On our way to Effingham we drove past these Mansions. And I mean MANSIONS! They were like mini-castles and gorgeous!! The funniest part was when I comment that they still had their Christmas tree up (I've turned hillbilly already to even THINK a place as beautiful as this would be so tacky)...he was quick to correct me that it was a chandelier. Whoopsie! (O: I hope we drive back out that way soon, I would love to gawk some more at house ridiculously massive these houses were.
That's all for now. My life is boring- we are still unpacking. Yay moving! (O:
Sunday, April 18, 2010
H-Town, Day 1 Down!
Today was a crazy, busy, overwhelming, satisfying day. Today was our first full day in our new home and new town and man, was it jam-packed! For the first time in probably a month and a half, we got to sleep in on a Sunday! We had been waking up around 6:00-6:30 a.m. on Sundays in order to be out here by church time. Well, this week was different! Not only has church been pushed back to 9:30 a.m., but we literally live next door now and so we didn't have to add 1.5 hours to our morning schedule. Somehow, we still ended up only getting to church right on time...but next week will hopefully be better (since we now know where towels, soap, etc. are located...)
Service was great, Emilia made it all the way through again (with a little help from some kind ladies sitting near me!) J and I decided before we left this morning that if anyone invited us to lunch this week, we were going to respectfully decline because we needed to get cracking on unpacking and putting junk away (And BOY! Do I mean J-U-N-K!!) Luckily, no one offered so we didn't have to even worry about it...(side note- the only reason we even discussed this is because every week we have been here so far, some one has offered to take us to's not that we expect it from them, it has just happened that way so far)
So, we went home, put out work clothes (or PJ's in my case) back on and got to work. My love for unpacking and re-organizing was quickly squashed a little when I realized it is MUCH harder with a busy, curious 1 year old always at my heels....and when she wasn't at my heels I *really* had to worry. (haha). But, we made it for a few hours and then she went down for a nap. I, too, took a short nap. (aaaaah, naps! How I have missed you!!) My mom got here early evening and WHAT A BLESSING!!!! We got about 5times as much done with her following E around as we did before she was here. We almost have the dining room cleared of boxes!
This doesn't mean we are done unpacking...oh merely means we decided to shove all the non-essentials into storage for now (and by storage I mean one of the unused Sunday school rooms at the church bc we don't have a garage yet...) We felt it best to get the house into some sort of order- living room, dining room, and kitchen under control and then I can bring a couple boxes back over at a time and decide whether to keep, store, sell or pitch. You guys better pencil me in for the beginning of May...H-Town's Community Sale, baby!!! (O:
Anyway, this is the first time I've been on the computer in dAYS (I was starting to get the shakes, haha)...but, I wanted to keep you updated. Thanks for the texts of's nice to hear from you and I'm so thankful you're thinking of me!! (O:
Here are a few "Before" pictures of the house...I mostly took these so the "After" pictures will really WOW you! (O:
I hope you all are doing well...I miss everything already, but I can tell I'm going to like it here! More updated to come! (O:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Week of LASTS
But last night was a "Last" that I don't think I had fully prepared myself for. Last night was my last night with my small group. I have known it was coming, and for some reason, I didn't think it would be hard or sad. Maybe I can been subconciously telling myself that since I'm only 1.5 hours away that we will all stay in touch and be as close as ever. But, the reality it that the dynamics of each of these friendships is about to change dramatically. That is what hit me last night. I will no longer be able to look forward to Tuesdays for running, girl talk and Bible study.
Even when I hate the thought of running, there was something almost exciting about getting together with my girls to encourage each other as we ran....that is no more. And, I always thought it made us "hard core" that we went straight from running to small group. 8 smelly, sweaty women sharing couches and oversized chairs to dive into God's word. Lucky for me, I don't smell well at all...but the rest of them- Serious Business.
We made it pretty much through the night without anyone mentioning too much about it being my last night. That is, until prayer time. I didn't say a word because I knew I would cry...but as my friend Katie prayed our closing prayer, she thanked God for me and prayed for our safe travels, etc. At that moment, it all hit me. As Erin leaned her head on my shoulder, I lost it. I have spent the last 5(ish) years of my life with these girls. They are as much my sisters as my real sister and my heart is broken over leaving them.
On the way home, I started running through each one of their faces and thought about what each lady meant to me. I love how God puts certain people in our lives for exact reasons, and I really love when I realize what those reasons are. Each of my dear friends means so many things to me, and they all are unique and special. I can't go into much detail right now because I'm at work, and Jaime has already made me cry once today while at my desk...but, let me just say that if you are reading this- you are one of the most important people in my life and I thanked God for you last night. I will miss you more than I can say, and I am so thankful for everything each of you has taught me in our time as friends.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
525,600 Minutes!
I suffered from mild PPD right after E was born, so most of my earliest thoughts weren’t too cheery. I thought “What have I gotten myself into??”, “I can’t do this, I won’t be a good mother”, etc. Right. Not happy thoughts. I’m sure most first-time mothers have some of these thoughts, if ever so fleeting. But, I remember even once we got home, I still wasn’t completely convinced that I was going to be able to handle it all.
Fast forward a year to today, or yesterday actually. Now, I could not imagine life without my funny, smiley, courageous, friendly little girl. She loves to laugh and to make others laugh. She gives the world’s best hugs and kisses (even when they are more like licks…) She will shake her groove thang to any beat, at any time. She is independent. She loves to read (or at least look at books, that is). She says gack instead of quack. (haha, that’s new and I love it!) She is stubborn and fiery and won’t do anything you want her to- even though she knows how. She is a brute and isn’t scared of anything. Last night, for instance, she was climbing in her baby bouncer (which we keep out for cousin Law), she leaned forward too far and rolled out head first. She got up, laughed and climbed in to do it again. No fear. She loves her family and friends dearly. The happiest moments each day are when she first sees a loved one, or realizes someone she loves is home. She lets out a squeal of excitement and charges off crawling in their direction.
At her birthday party I had a picture collage on the gift table- a picture from each month of her first year of life. I’m sorry in advance if you don’t care about looking through them, but I just can’t believe she is a year old and I love looking back and watching her grow. (O:
Emilia on her first day of Daycare, May 2009
Emilia at her first wedding, July 2009, 3 Months
November 2009, 7 Months
(Taking pictures for Christmas cards...obviously!)
Emilia's First Christmas!
First Spaghetti Experience (O:
Emilia Grace Warren
April 2010, ONE YEAR OLD! (O:She was more interested in reading this book
than taking a Birthday Picture, as you can see...That's my girl! (O:
Monday, April 5, 2010
I have let myself go...
First, JASON GOT THE JOB!! (I know most of you already know this since you’re among my bestest of friends, but just in case someone else out there is reading…) Jason has been offered a preaching position at a small, country church about 1 ½ hours from where we live currently. We are excited and a little sad all at the same time. This is such a great opportunity for him to finally get into a church and start doing what he loves. Add to that the fact that I will get to STAY HOME with Emilia and be an at-home momma/wife! Woo hoo! I am so looking forward to this. I know it won’t take long before I start going stir crazy in the house all day, but I am already thinking of ways to get involved in the community, setting up play dates with friends, taking a Zumba class, etc! Also, my momma is giving me a hand-me-down sewing machine and I’m intending to learn to make some cutesie baby dresses and continue working on baby quilts. We are really looking forward to a slower pace of life and cannot wait to get to know our new church family! We won’t be moving out there until April 17th-ish, because I decided to give my employer 3 weeks notice. A group of men from the church came last Friday and helped Jason move the entire contents of our storage unit to the new house. This weekend, we ordered living room furniture, dining room furniture and office furniture. It was a little bit expensive of a weekend, but we had to get all these rooms filled because we had none of it! At least now we have items we love and will use until the die (seriously, forever).
Also this weekend was EMILIA-PALOOZA! It was a wonderfully fun party extravaganza! My FIL counted roughly 70 guests! We had a cupcake decorating table, an arts and crafts table, an Easter egg hunt, oodles of snacks and a whole table devoted to sweets (cupcakes and brownie bites!) Emilia was given so many awesome gifts- books, clothes, stuffed animals, you name it, she probably received it. I am still working on getting a good picture of her to use with the Thank You notes, which I will be writing for weeks to come! (O: It was just the best day. What is better than being surrounded by one’s family and friends to celebrate the completed first year of my baby’s life!? As with any party of 70ish people, I didn’t get to spend nearly as much time as I would have liked with any certain person. But, I know they all understood and I was just so glad to share the day’s excitement with each one! Three favorite pictures from the day (the rest can be seen on none other than, Facebook!):
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thankless acts...
There are only a couple of people in my life that cause me any stress. Mostly, I consider myself extremely blessed to have such an amazing group of friends and family who support me and encourage me daily. This morning, however, I can’t stop thinking about the few that leave me in almost a constant state of frustration and hurt feelings.
Do any of you have someone in your life that never shows appreciation for hard work you do on their behalf? Or for a well-thought out gift you give? I know that the point of gift giving is NOT about how well or how much the recipient thanks you, but it can be hard to work so hard on something and then have no appreciation shown whatsoever. I am a pleaser; there is no doubt about that. I try hard to give thoughtful, meaningful gifts and I love having the ability to be generous as much as possible.
Until now. I am tired of straining over finding or making the perfect gift for someone, only to have it be set aside without so much as a thank you. I honestly don’t think it would bother me nearly as much if I weren’t already expecting to be disappointed. It’s like I am always hoping that “This time” it will be different. Don’t get me wrong- It’s not like I get upset if I don’t receive a thank you card for a gift given to anyone else. (In fact, I would never expect such a thing- gifts are most fun when they are surprises and my intention is not to receive credit but merely for the excitement of giving someone something I know they will love). (So, please don’t think I’m saying I NEED you to write me a thank you note, that’s not my point at all. Rather, I am saying that I would just like some sort of appreciation from only these certain few…only the ones I know I’ll never get it from. If that makes sense. I know the rest of you appreciate my friendship…).
I think I’m just more upset with myself than anything. I continue to strive and give something I think this person, or persons, will really love and maybe, just maybe, this time they will show some emotion- ANYTHING! So, why do I keep trying? Today I explained it to a coworker as the “Wanting my daddy to love me syndrome”. Instead of focusing extra attention and love on those I know appreciate thoughtfulness and friendship, I keep banging my head against the wall trying to squeeze an ounce of gratitude (or SOMEthing) out of these few.
As I just reread what I had typed so far, it became increasingly clear to me that one of my “love languages” is gift giving. It is pretty evident from what I’m writing that I give gifts as a way of trying to show my love. So, maybe that is why it hurts so much to not get that love in return.
Well, the buck stops here. I am done with that. No, I’m not saying I am casting these people to the curb and out of my life. I am just saying that I am done killing myself trying to win their approval. I want to spend my time and energy on the rest of my friends and family- the ones I already know love me and “approve” of me. I want to “commit random acts of kindness and senseless beauty” on those who will at least smile as I do so. I have been blessed with SO MANY great people and I want to use my time to show them how much they all mean to me. And that includes YOU friend (whoever might be reading this). Today is about YOU! However God can use me to bless our friendship, or brighten your day, so be it! I’m ready!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Weight of Uncertainty
This is a very exciting time for us, for many reasons. First, Jason has been striving to find a church family for us to work with for some time now. I could see him starting to get very discouraged at how responses had been going. But now!! We might actually have found the place God wants us to go.
With that, though, comes a certain amount of stress. I am not typically one who worries about the unknown- especially in instances such as this, I know God is in control and that He will provide as long as we do what He is calling us to do. This time is different, I have to admit.
There is A LOT swirling through my head- health insurance, bills, budgeting a new(smaller) salary, moving, leaving friends, leaving family, the list goes on. Amidst all this, though, I have one very happy thought- if all works out as we hope, I will be able to stay home and raise Emilia myself!!! Man, I can’t tell you how excited I am about this!!! I have always wanted to be able to stay home with my kids and take care of them myself, as well as take care of the house, cooking, etc. It looks like if Jason gets the job at this church, this dream will become a reality!
And while I am beyond ecstatic about this, it has stresses of its own. This means quitting my job to move. I love my job and I love the people I work for. I hate feeling like I’m letting anyone down by leaving. (I know they won’t be mad or anything, because they all know that Jason has been sending out resumes). It also means leaving behind the life I have known for the past 18+ years. I grew up in the church we are currently attending, and even though I may not agree with everything that happens there all the time, it is still my home. The elders of our church, and one minister in particular, looked over my as a child as if I were their own daughter. Rick has been more of a father to me at times than my own. Add to that the fact that I still get to see most of my childhood friends on a weekly basis and then all the new friends I have made along the way and you’ll see how this place is practically my whole life. I always knew I would eventually be leaving with Jason for a new job, but it doesn’t take away the sting.
I am scared of being lonely. I am scared that I will struggle to find new people I can call friends, or even just people I see every so often that I enjoy and that enjoy me. I have already started researching local MOPS groups and even thought about taking a Zooma class as a way to meet new people. But, let’s face it, I’m not the world’s greatest at meeting new people. I am also thinking of getting myself a sewing machine, in hopes of maybe picking up a hobby to help me cope with a new, slower, less people-oriented lifestyle. (And yes, I know I will be part of a new church. But, this congregation’s median age is probably close to 70. And while they are all lovely people, and I look forward to getting to know them, I cannot see deep friendships blossoming in large numbers there. This is more about me needing to redirect my energy and work on being OK with some “alone” time)
I feel like I need to apologize, I think this might be getting a tad whiney. That really wasn’t my intention. I was merely trying to relate my feelings of nervousness, stress and uncertainty. I hope you aren’t too annoyed by reading this. And also, I hope you still know that I am completely thankful that God is bringing this (possible) opportunity our way!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Reading AND Dreaming??
Most of you probably already know that I am NOT a reader. The closest I come to reading is picking up the occasional gossip magazine, and that is usually only when one of my favorite people happens to be on the cover. I’ll pick up Jennifer Aniston every time. Aside from that, I have never really cared for reading as a hobby…I think it is mostly because I have a short attention span and would end up having to read each page at least a couple times before I could remember anything. (annoying.)
Recently, this changed. My friend (and now coworker) LeeAnn was telling me how she was so excited to read “The Last Song” before the movie came out. Well, I had watched the commercials for the movie and (aside from wishing someone other than Miley Cyrus was the lead actress), I really wanted to see it. So, that is when an idea was born! Why not give this “reading” thing another shot? Jason seemed rather excited for me to be actually saying the words “I think I want to read a book…” So, he made sure to point it out the next time we were at Target. $6.99 special, not bad.
I have to say, I am actually enjoying this! Instead of sitting mindless in front of the TV for an hour or two before bed, I find myself anxiously waiting until I go upstairs to pick up with the story again. I am still a little slow (as far as reading is concerned), but I am truly enjoying it. The book is *really* good! It is a sweet little love story. Completely predictable (so far), but what love story isn’t? Boy meets girl, girl either loves him or hates him, and eventually they re-love each other. The end, *tear*. (Don’t get me wrong, I am eating this UP! I don’t care how predictable parts of it are)…and I have no idea how the last 100 pages are going to go…I’m so excited to see what happens (although I’m pretty scared it won’t be a happy ending)
And the more I read about Miley’s character (Ronnie), the more I can see exactly why she was cast. Ronnie is spunky and full of personality, as is Miley. So, I think that is another great benefit to reading the book first- now I won’t be sitting there, watching the movie, the whole time thinking that I don’t really like her for this role.
So, I’ll be sure to let you know how I like it once I’m done…I am *hoping* I can finish it tonight…but Jason and Justin are playing in an alumni volleyball game…so we shall see.
If you remember my subject line (from so long ago….geezo, I am long winded!!), it says reading AND dreaming. That’s right, I am also dreaming now! What?? I haven’t really dreamt since I had Emilia, and before my pregnancy, I wasn’t really dreamer either. I really like my dreamless sleep, it’s so nice and relaxing, and I don’t feel exhausted when I wake up. But ever since I started reading before bedtime, I dream Every.Night. Some nights aren’t so bad…but last night wore me out!! Of course, I can’t remember anything from my dreams, except that I wake up several times a night, tossing and turning and completely engrossed in whatever is happening in dreamland. It is nuts! Good thing I’m not reading a suspense thriller book or a murder mystery…who knows what that would do to me!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Naked for Easter
This is the little beauty I knew I loved before I even tried it on.
This was the only dress that I didn’t even check the price tag before grabbing it up (don’t worry, it was only $40- same as all the rest of them pretty much). Anyway, I grabbed the last size 16 and looked for a size 14, in case the 16 was a little baggy. No 14. Well, let’s just hope this one will fit. It was HUGE! (Side note- of course, this is awesome because it means I was too small for a size 16!!)
So, I kindly asked the dressing room attendant to check the other stores for either a 14 or a 12(thought I could maybe squeeze into it and just not eat for a week or so!). While she scanned the item, called other locations, etc., I couldn’t help but notice her AH.MAZ.ZING booby tattoo…she had two eyes and the words “All eyes on me”. That’s “Really Nice”.
Anyway, no luck for Annie. No stores in our area had Either size. MAN! I knew this dress was too perfect to be true. The color was beautiful, the cut was nice and it made me feel pretty.
It only gets worse- I thought I would just bite the bullet and order the dress in both sizes online, then return whichever didn’t fit. They don’t even HAVE it on there anymore!!! They have it in lilac and in black. I don’t need any more black dresses and I’m not crazy about purple.
I know this post is not fun, encouraging or uplifting, whatsoever…but I just needed to share my misfortune with someone. I am sorry it had to be you. So, that is it. That is why I will be naked for Easter. (No, I'm not really this pathetic- I'm sure another dress will come just stinks that I found the "one" and don't get to wear it!)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
*Exclusive* Sneak Peek (O:
Anyway! Last night I finished her TUTU! Yayy for cuteness! I snapped a quick picture of her onesie (with the buttons finally attached) and the tutu. I will probably put either jeans or some sort of leggings under the tutu on b-day too.
PS- I think the reason I get so excited about this stuff is because I am actually *enjoying* some craft stuff! It is rare that I want to do anything crafty, and even more rare that I actually enjoy it. So far, I am really enjoying all these little projects that are taking her party from fun to over-the-top awesome! (haha) (O:
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Eyebrow Invasion of 2010
My eyebrow saga dates way back to high school when they were thick, curly and out of control. I never knew this, but I had a friend tell me I had to get them waxed, plucked, trimmed, etc. before prom. Well, that definitely made a difference. They really did look a lot better- I had no idea I needed such help!
Ever since then I have done my best to keep up with them. This is not a small task, seeing as mine grow like weeds. I can pluck the heck out of them one day and swear that they are completely cleaned up only to find a bunch of new ones the very next day! Add to that the fact that I am a sissy and cringe with each pluck. It takes me forever to get them done because I go so slowly. (Such a baby!)
Anyway, I am sorry for this weird post. I know you don’t really care about my eyebrows (except you Jaime…I feel you judging me for them not being manicured properly). But, I can’t stop thinking about them because they need some SeriouS work. Maybe this weekend.
So, where would YOU get laser hair removal? ;-)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Little Joys...
First, today is Tuesday! Even though I always say I don’t like Tuesdays because I don’t think I look good in my olive scrub top (Superficial, yes. Honest, also yes.), there are a bunch of things I am excited for today. We have our Tuesday running group tonight!! I am so glad this seems to be sticking for us. (We can sometimes tend to be a group that starts something and doesn’t keep up with it for very long…) Last week I was pumped- hoping to run at least 2 miles. Sadly, I made it only one mile before giving in to the cold and my heavy legs. I was a little disappointed, but also tried to encourage myself because I haven’t been running much lately. So, how could I expect to just pick right back up? But THEN (!!), this past Saturday, I blew myself away! My hubby went running with me at the park near our home and I smoked my old PR by 6 minutes! We ran a full 3.1 miles in 38:00! Woo!! So, I am excited to get out there tonight and push myself, since I KNOW I can do it. I need to give myself an extra boost of encouragement and discipline because I have a race this Sunday!
Along with my love of our running group comes my next small excitement! Tie Dye T-Shirts!! Most of our small group is running together in a 5k in April, as part of the GO! St. Louis weekend. So, we decided it would be super fun to have matching shirts made for the event! (Can I just say how much I L.O.V.E. matching tshirts!!) I actually remembered to bring them this morning, so I can distribute them tonight! They are awesomely tie dye! Hot pink and yellow, with navy letters that say “You don’t have to be fast…you just have to be movin’!! -Jon Gibson”. This is the perfect quote for our group right now because we have runners of all different speeds and levels. Also, I think it’s super funny that we have the quote of one of our (Jaime’s) husbands! The best part is, the dots over the i’s are little hearts and instead of a dash before Jon’s name, it’s another heart. So it looks like we really love Jon. And if you know Jon, you know he isn’t exactly the lovey dovey, hearts and flowers kind of guy! Hahaha. I’ll make sure to post a picture of our group whenever we all have our new shirts on! (O:
On to my scale…it said 182 this morning!! While this isn’t exactly a weight to be proud of, nor excited over, I am. I am excited because that is down 3 pounds from this time last week! I know my weight tends to fluctuate a bit, but it’s the small victories that keep me going! (O:
Now…Let’s talk hair! None of you know this (except Elise), but I haven’t been styling my hair so far this week. With Emilia waking up several times at night and just not doing well right now, I am getting less sleep. This leads to my daily decision to reset my alarm for a later time. In turn, I don’t have enough time to fix my hair before E wakes up and it’s time to go. Something about working at a doctor’s office and wearing scrubs every day makes it easier to “let one’s self go”, so to speak. There are mornings where I really don’t care if my hair is done or if I have makeup on, because, let’s face it, no one will know anyway. No one has to see me except my officemates, who look about the same as I do. But, that wasn’t the point of this JOY. I was feeling poopy this morning about not fixing my hair for the second day in a row…because I just figured it looked messy and people could tell I was just being lazy. Enter, ELISE! She paid me a very nice complement on my hair this morning, with no prodding from me at all. She said she actually thinks it looks cute, kinda wavy, etc. Yay for not being as big of a slob as I thought!! (O: (Thanks again Elise, you made my morning!) (O:
Lastly, in one short hour I will be picking up the invitations for Emilia’s 1st Birthday Party from Walmart!! I had a friend, Chrissy @ Christina Studio Designs create these adorable invitations based off something we found online and I love them! They are perfect and I am so excited to get them shipped out. If you ever need anything created, Chrissy is your gal! (She also has a great etsy site with so many cute cards, etc.)
So, that is where I am at so far today. It’s going to be a great day!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Freedom Friday!
Honestly though, my morning did not start out well at all. I had all my running gear set out and my alarm set for 3:57a.m. I was going to run, shower, get ready for work, etc. Well, instead I was awoken around 3a.m. to my little girl, crying hard. I knew that meant she probably filled her diaper with more runny poo and it was hurting her sore bottom. So I changed her, gave her a bottle (because when she wakes up between 3or4, she is hungry and won't sleep without eating...) and put her back to bed.
40 minutes later, I heard her again. Same cry, same poo. Only this time she was pretty much hysterical. She didn't want to lay down, she didn't want to sit up, nothing helped. So, I had a new clean diaper underneath her and was letting her sit there for a minute to dry off before I lathered her up with aquaphor and put her diaper on. Then the flood gates opened and she threw up Everywhere! All over me, all over her, the changing table...everywhere! Then, she was just sitting there in her own throw up, crying. I almost didn't know what to try and do first.
So, I just grabbed her towel, carted her into the bathroom and hosed her off. Came back into her room, stripped the changing table cover off and laid her on her towel. After getting her into new pj's, we rocked and cuddled for a while. It was really nice, even if I would have rather been fast asleep.
That is when I decided we would be staying home today. I didn't know how much of this would continue throughout the day, and I definitely didn't want to leave that mess with Elise. That wouldn't have been very kind. She has actually gotten a little better, except for the dirty diapers which are still bad. But, still, didn't want to chance anything.
And even though my reason for having to stay home wasn't great, I am so glad to be here! We put away laundry, vacuumed, played, and are just having a great day! I am free from work until Monday and I am free to do whatever I please with my family! (O:
Here's a picture of E, playing in her room (O: Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, February 19, 2010
Project Weekend!
First up for this weekend, a birthday shirt for Emilia. I spent some time googling different party ideas a while back and came across this great website ( Awesome website with oodles of great ideas! This lady also has another great website ( I really love what this project is all about. I have seen other shirts like hers with kids names on them, but I liked being able to link it to Scripture and putting a message of God behind it. So, that is when I decided to make Emilia a shirt like this for her birthday party! (O: I'm going to the fabric store after work to pick out the perfect fabrics and then tomorrow is a sewing day at my Momma's house to get 'er done! I am so excited I could pee!! I'll make sure to post a picture of the finished product. (O:
The second product goes along with the birthday shirt...a TUTU! Last month I made a tutu for my best friend Jessca's 3 year old daughter Brooklynn's birthday. I was nervous because I had never done anything like that before. But, luckily for me, there are plenty of good tutorials (on just about anything!) out there, so I survived. It turned out really sweet and sealed the deal on making one for Emilia too. (O: I will be picking up the tulle for E's tutu today also and will probably start on it this weekend and maybe finish at our Girls Night on Tuesday! Woo!! (O:
Here's a picture my friend Elise snapped at the bday party of Brook with her tutu (Thanks Elise!) (O: (It was a dress up party...that's why Brook is in an even fluffier dress than her new tutu)
Third, polka-dotting plates and cups! Originally, I had priced out what pink and orange plates, cups, napkins, etc. would cost and had planned on biting the bullet to purchase them all. Then, I had an epiphany in Target...why not just get white plates with wide edges, find some paint daubers and polka dot my own plate edges?! So, that is exactly what I am going to attempt. This is an experiment and I have no idea how successful it will be (I came up with this one on my google...aren't you proud??) But, if it works, it will have saved me about $20 in plates and cups. If not, that is OK too. I'll let you know when I find out! (O:
And one project on Jason's list (if I can convince him to get it over with instead of waiting until the last minute...)- spray painting the white baskets orange. The centerpieces of the party tables are pink and (will be) orange baskets with sugar cookies on sticks in them (standing up by the help of potting styrofoam).
And yes, I realize this party is waaaaay beyond "precious" at this point and is on its way to over-the-top. But, it's her 1st birthday party and we don't plan on throwing on every year, so I'm making this one big!
I hope you all have some creative things happening this weekend! (O:
Monday, February 15, 2010
Today is a new day!
Anywho, as I sat here this morning checking some items on ebay (yes, I'm still addicted and no, I do not feel bad about it), I made the decision to make today a great day. A day is only as good as you allow it to be. My brother-in-law used to always say, "You're only as happy as you decide to be". While we don't always see eye to eye, I completely agree with this one! Being happy and enjoying life starts with making a decision to do so. Will work still be stressful? Yes! Will there be people whose bad attitudes will and try to bring me down? Of course! Do I have to power to choose how these outside factors affect my day? Absolutely. So, here's to a great start to a great week! Hope each of you decide for a great one too! (O:
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Ugh is the word of the day.
Anyway, none of these things are lifting my spirits today. Emilia has been fighting this cold, or whatever it is, since Wednesday and the cold is winning the fight. Today has been to worst so far. Our day started at about 3:30 a.m. She has thrown up twice- like, spit up but gobs of it, mixed with snot and drainage...there's a lovely mental picture for ya. I'm pretty sure I still smell like throw up, even though I'm in different clothes. She hasn't napped all day. In fact, I hear her now...we thought she might nap this afternoon...we made it 30 minutes. (She must have just been rolling over, because it's quiet again).
I don't know why I'm typing about this, it's not like I'm even complaining. I know everyday isn't sunshine and rainbows with kids. And I consider myself extremely lucky and blessed because Emilia (when she isn't sick) is an absolutely wonderful little girl. She is joyful and fun, sweet and lovable. I guess I am just tired and felt like I should post something since it has been a couple days. Probably should have thought of something a little more happy, hm? Sorry to anyone that wasted time reading this. I promise to do better next time.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Scarves...The New Black?
Yesterday, I was observing all these college students hustling and bustling, chatting and laughing, waiting for chapel to start...I couldn't help but notice all the scarves this kids were wearing. They were in all colors, lengths, etc. Did I miss a memo??
I knew there was somewhat of a scarf movement going on out there in the fashion world, but I didn't realize to what extent! And, apparently, these scarves don't even have to match one's outfit? Is it better if they don't match? I don't get it! I know this probably makes me sound like a fuddy dudd who knows nothing about current fashion trends, and that is exactly it. I am too plain to care about the newest, hottest style. I'm still wearing gap jeans and plain colored gap tees most of the time.
Also, it seems that these people leave their scarves on all. the. time. I am way too hot-natured for would be like an everyday sauna for me to try and keep a scarf (of any sort) on once I have removed my coat upon entering a building. I could start sweating just thinking about it! (Gross, but true).
What's the magic? Do they cover up our unflattering body parts? (Can't say that wouldn't be welcomed!) Or is it just a college thing?
...I realize this post has nothing to do with anything, except helping me understand the scarf phenomenon I witnessed yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against those who chose to wear scarves as often as their underwear. I just didn't realize how big of a deal scarves have become. Are you a scarf wearer? Can you fill me in?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Whirlwind Weekend
While I did not enjoy being worn out and crabby today at work, it was well worth it for all the fun that was had. Both churches seem interested in Jason and we would be happy at either. He should hear back from them within the next couple weeks to see if they want to continue the interview process with him. Finally! We are moving forward!! (O:
Saturday, we got back into town around 2:30 (did I mention these churches were 1:30-2 hours away? Not bad at all, but still..makes for a long day in the van with a 10 month old!) We went directly to my friend Jessca's daughter Brooklynn's 3rd birthday party. It was a dress up theme and it was so cute! If I could get the SD card from the camera to cooperate with the computer, I would show you some pictures of the super fun tutu I made for her! But, alas, I fought technology, and technology won. Maybe another day.
Sunday, we got back about 3:00. Just enough time for Jason to nap for a little bit before going to pick up our snacks and head to the party. Jason insisted that we order 100 toasted ravioli instead of just 50, as I suggested. He kept saying that last year, they 50 we brought were gone too quickly and we should bring more. I conceded, only because he promised to call me out on it if we did, in fact, run out of them. I am a SUCKER. We had at least half of them left by the end of the night, and now I have 50ish toasted ravioli(s?) sitting in my refrigerator. Don't get me wrong, I love them enough to eat them for breakfast this morning (cold on the way to work) and again for dinner (reheated in the oven). But, come on man! I should have listened to my gut (figurative and literally) and only ordered 50. I learned my lesson. Anywho, the party was fun. The men were in the living room engrossed in the game and all the girls were in the kitchen chatting, playing fun games (that I STILL don't know all the rules to!! Margo, Jaime, Erin- I KNOW you're reading this!) (O: It has been a while since our whole fun-loving group has hung out together and it was a great time.
So, all in all, being worn out and crabby at work today was worth least as far as I am office mate may have a different opinion! (O:
Here's to a great tomorrow! (O:
Friday, February 5, 2010
God's Many Blessings
I have been mulling it over in my mind for a couple weeks now how I would go about getting back into blog world. I still maintain that my life has nothing out of the ordinary or overly-intriguing to share with anyone, but I am working on self-reflection and taking time to think about how God is working in my life every day. So, tonight as I sat here, sorting/cleaning/folding 3 weeks worth of laundry, I started thinking about how amazing our God is and how immensely He has blessed my life. I am going to take a few moments tonight, on my first blog of the New Year (a little late coming, I know) and share with you some of the biggest blessings in my life. I hope this post will encourage you to take inventory of your own life and that we can all stop for a moment to thank our Creator for truly caring about us on a personal level and loving us enough to give to us generously.
God has blessed me with a perfect family. While we are not perfect individually, and we ALL have bad days, together- we are perfect. I thank God every day for my wonderful husband, who, through all his flaws (real and exaggerated in my own head at times), supports me fully, loves me unconditionally and is working his hardest to provide a great life for us. He is an amazing father and is my best friend. God brought us together at a point in both of our lives where we knew we needed to get things back on track, and through each other we were able to do so. We have made each other better people. Of course, the most recent blessing in my life is my daughter, Emilia. I smile every time I think about her. She has spunk, gumption and no inside voice. She will be 10 months old this coming Sunday, I cannot believe that! She has taught me patience I never thought possible, helped me laugh and smile more often than before, and breaks my heart in the best way possible.
God has also blessed me with the most amazing friends. I think if I could have made up lists of all the qualities of a best friend, or of several best friends, I would never have close to describing all the fabulous qualities that my friends possess. Every single one of them is a gift from God because they each mean something different to me and we connect on different levels. I have friends that I have know for (what seems like) forever, friends that I am just now getting to know, friends I know I can turn to at any moment with any situation, friends who always make me laugh. I have favorite friends to hug, make goofy faces at, make laugh, quote TV shows and movies with, the list goes on!
I am blessed through my life experiences in ways I never would have guessed. My mother is a pillar of strength that I continually look to for wisdom, courage and encouragement. She got us through some rough years and all the while, raised us up to fear the Lord. I know, by looking at her and where she came from to where she is now, that I can do all things through Christ. My life experiences prepared me for all the situations I have ever found myself in. I am thankful for all these things, even the times that hurt- for they were all for God's glory.
I am blessed because my God has a plan for our lives. While we are still waiting to find out what the next step of the plan is, I know He is in control. It truly is a blessing to "Let Go and Let God". I am not worried about what tomorrow holds, or where we may end up moving for Jason to work in a church. I know God will provide and I am super excited to see what He has planned for us. I am, of course, scared to leave my home. I have grown up with some super amazing people and have lived in the same area for nearly 17 years. It is hard for me to imagine my life without my friends and family only across town. It is hard to imagine not seeing all my favorite people every Sunday at church, or spending time with them at Small Group, girls nights, date nights, etc. But, those fears are so faint compared to the excitement and passion I feel for following God's calling.
As you can see, I am a very blessed person! Not because of anything I have done, and definitely not because I deserve any of it. All of this is because I serve an Awesome, Loving, Compassionate, Tender, Gracious, Forgiving, Generous God!
Who is the God you serve? I would love to hear how God is blessing your lives!